

**This is original writing – meaning I did not proof read and say “hmm.. I should take this out just in case someone doesn’t like it”.. Enjoy :)**

For those of you that know me, know that when I’m passionate about something – everyone knows it. Everyone knows that I can’t keep quiet when something or someone is unfair, unethical, or inhumane…

Keeping quiet is something I am battling with right now – these past few months honestly. I won’t go too much into detail about what this all entails, but have faith in me that I’m not quiet towards important occurrences and/or situations.. my voice is heard when shits not right – I promise. I’m learning to speak, when it matters.. when my voice will initiate change and hold substance, but most importantly – speaking when people at the table will listen.

Part of my frustration comes from the following:…

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